After an extensive search, led and orchestrated by Mr. Ed Vittardi from “Finding Leaders” and then receiving the full support of our search committee, we would like to announce that Mr. David Csank will be the next principal of Holy Family School next school year.
Our search process to find our new principal involved Mr. Vittardi facilitated the focus groups in January and then used those to help us to find the right candidates for Holy Family School. We are grateful to everyone who participated in the focus groups.
Mr. Csank comes to us having served as a principal at Villa Angela St. Joseph High School and Saint Mary Elementary School in Akron. He also previously taught at Saint Anthony of Padua Parma for 6 years. He has been a student, parent, teacher, and administrator in Catholic education for over 40 years.
Certainly, we are full of appreciation for Mr. Tom Brownfield who has led our school with a steadfast faith and love these past years. We wish him the best as he moves forward to a well-deserved retirement at the end of this school year.
Please help us to thank Mr. Brownfield in these coming months as he finishes his time as principal and give a warm welcome to Mr. Csank.
May God bless Holy Family School students, staff, parents and parishioners.